Privacy policy

[Work in progress]

Data collected
For users, email, password and title are collected after completing the onboarding.
Advertisers can add campaigns, ads, graphics and landing pages, this information is also saved.
Shops added by publishers are also saved.
When a copy of an order is sent to our platform by an online store of a publisher:

  • the product description and price is saved
  • the shipping address is geocode to zip code level lat/lng.
  • No customer info is saved

How data is used
User related info is used to log in a user and display who is logged in.
Entered information in the control panel, e.g. campaigns, shops, ads, is used in the auction process.
Orders received are used in the auction process.

Data storage and protection
Saved data is stored in our database.
Passwords are encrypted and salted.

Tracking tools
Currently, Google Analytics is used for statistics, no other tools are used.

Third-party access
No third parties have access to our database.

Please contact us with your request and we will semi-manually handle your request.
As an advertiser, please follow the instructions on the "Cancel your account" page (Dashboard > Profile > User profile > Cancel your account)

Date of policy


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