White labeling 🎨: establish a personalized auction environment

The PkgAds platform offers the option of white labeling, allowing you to establish a personalized auction environment where advertisers can compete for advertising space within your packages.

Whether you're a prominent webshop, a webshop collaborating with external vendors, a fulfillment center, or a consortium of webshops, you can now create your exclusive auction to sell in-package advertising space to the highest bidder.

In essence, you will have the opportunity to acquire a customized version of pkgads.nl, completely branded to match your own identity.

Features include

  • Private auction.
  • Easy branding.
  • Fully customizable site look with CSS and/or templates.
  • Customizable emails.
  • Order queue moderation.
  • Ad graphic moderation.
  • Proof of insert moderation.
  • Payout management.
  • Site related settings.
  • User management.
  • User circles.
  • And a lot more.

Contact for more information

Please contact us for more details and pricing.

(This particular functionality caters primarily to larger businesses with substantial resources. Individual online shop/store owners are recommended to register as publishers on pkgads.nl instead.)

Preview of Admin / white label dashboard

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