Connect your shop

You can add any shop to the system by using the 'Email' shop type.

When using the 'Email' shop type, you will receive a custom email address. To this email address, you can send a copy of your shop orders.

Note that you can send the copy of your orders by hand or automate the process, that is up to you.

Add shop

To add a shop using the 'Email' shop type, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to your dashboard.
  • Click 'Shops' in the sidebar and click the 'Add' button.
  • A new page appear in which you can select the shop type, please select 'Email' and click the 'Continue' button.
  • Another page appears in which you can enter your shop details.
  • Enter the name of your shop in the 'Title' field and the URL of your shop in the 'Url' field.
  • Optional, look around and fill in a few other fields if needed.
  • Click the 'Add' button to save the changes.

Configure shop

Now we're going to configure the shop, so the system can read (i.e. understand) your order emails:

  1. Click the 'Email' tab and click the 'Email order configuration' button.
  2. Forward one of your order emails of your shop to the email address on the page. It starts with 'test-' and ends with ''. The email you forward should at least contain the title of the product the user bought.
  3. Wait a little and refresh the page. The email you just send should now appear on the right side.
  4. Lets "teach" the system where the product title is in your email. Click the 'Change' button in the 'Product title' row.
  5. Click the 'Select text' button and click on the product title in the email that is displayed on the right side.
  6. The page is refreshed, and you should see the product title after "Selector result:" underneath the "Selector" field. In addition, the product title is also displayed in the table in the "Result" column.
  7. If your email contains more information, for example the product price, click the "Change" button in the appropriate row and repeat from step 5.
  8. Now our system knows where to find order information in the emails you send.

Note that, when using the "Selector" doesn't give you the right value (for example the Product title) you can use regular expressions that parse the "Selector result". You can use Java style regular expressions.

Too complex? Need help?
Feel free to click the 'Request help' link at the top of the table if you need help. We will gladly help you with the configuration.

Get order email address

Note that the email address you've just send the email with order information to is just a test email address. To find the correct email address:

  • Go to your dashboard.
  • Click 'Shops' in the sidebar and click the 'Edit' button.
  • Go to the 'Email' tab.
  • After the label 'Send orders to' is the email address which will directly send the order information (from emails send to this email address) to auction.

Scary? Want to test it first. Try Simulation mode !

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