Create a new shop

As a publisher, you own one or more online stores/shops. When someone buys a product from one of your online shops, a copy of the order should be sent to the PkgAds platform. Adding your shop to the dashboard will accomplish this.

Adding a shop is quite easy, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your PkgAds dashboard.
  2. Click "Shops" in the sidebar.
  3. A list with all your shops appear, click the "Add" button to add a new shop.
  4. A new form appears, enter the name of your shop in the "Title" field.
  5. Enter the URL of your shop in the "URL" field.
  6. Next, enter a description of your shop.
  7. And finally select the software your shop uses, for example if your shop is on Shopify select Shopify.
  8. Click the "Stay on page" checkbox, so the form will appear again after you click the "Add" button.
  9. Click the "Add" button.

Depending on the shop type you have chosen, please continue:

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